Ice cream on a hot day

tempSo, the sun’s out in the UK and the daily summer temperatures have been confirmed as the highest since records began. It’s the perfect excuse to eat as many ice lollies and as much ice cream as you can get away with.

I used to make ice cream many years ago with fruit yoghurts, and I recall having to take the tub out of the freezer numerous times to stir and put it back. And it being quite firm so you had to let it stand before you could serve. Because of this, I got out of the habit and just bought proprietary brands. But I really like knowing exactly what’s been put into things I eat and avoid preservatives or synthetic sweeteners like Saccharine and Xylitol.

Taking inspiration and the basic recipe from Jane’s Patisserie, and a little tweak to make it personal, I made a Biscoff ice cream this week. It’s very creamy and quite rich and can be served straight from the freezer. We had it with an equally rich and chocolatey brownie, for an extremely decadent pud.

Biscoff ice cream


  • 1 large tub (600g) fresh double cream
  • 1 tin (397g) condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons Biscoff spread – melted (10 seconds in microwave)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 Biscoff sandwich biscuits
  • 1 small Biscoff biscuit






biscuit 2






  • Whisk the cream to stiff peaks (does not take more than a couple of minutes with a stand mixer)
  • Add in the vanilla and melted Biscoff spread, and give a gentle whisk until combined.
  • Crumble the Biscoff sandwich biscuits to the size you want.
  • Add the cream mixture into a suitable lidded container to freeze.
  • Either combine the crumbled biscuits into the whole cream mixture in one, or add the cream into the tub into roughly thirds, layering the crumbled biscuits over the first 2 layers.
  • When all the mixture is in your container and levelled/smoothed as you wish, finely crumble the small Biscoff biscuit and sprinkle liberally over the top.
  • Pop in the freezer. Leave for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

As this ice cream really is quite rich, I’ll be making a vanilla version next. I shall up the vanilla extract by 2 teaspoons and have no other additions. Other adaptations include adding fresh (or frozen) fruit with some fruit blended down to a sauce to swirl through, for a refreshing fruity burst. Or maybe try melted chocolate in place of the Biscoff spread and some milk chocolate chips.

plate of ice cream

Whatever you choose to do in this heatwave, make sure you take care to regularly hydrate and try to sit in shade or wear a hat. Ideally, slather yourself in sun cream and basically do nothing at all if possible.

My plans today include laying on a sun lounger under a parasol with a non-alcoholic ‘cocktail’, eating my ice cream and reading book after book.


As always, much love,


Maggie x