
Breakfast is one of those meals whereby what you choose relies greatly on your forthcoming day’s itinerary. Sunday, a no plans, lazy, day, may enable a luxurious feast of ‘bad’ food. Workdays tend to be down to a fine art of coffee & your choice of regular fast-breaking. I’m partial to a cheese scone myself! But what to grab when having to leave 2 hours early to take a train? Continue reading “Breakfast”

Easter eggs

Easter is almost upon us. Religious or not, we all love Easter and especially the excess of chocolate. You’ll be inundated with adverts for Easter eggs; pressurised that they’re ‘perfect for Mum’, ‘perfect for the kiddies’, ‘perfect for your partner’, ‘perfect for YOU’! Easter eggs these days may be relatively cheap – if you don’t mind the matching relatively small, but also tend to be made of cheaper chocolate than the same-brand’s regular choccie bars. Continue reading “Easter eggs”