

So, it’s November. Already. Autumn; the season of all weathers in one day. Waking to a foggy or frosty morning, the sun rises to highlight the Autumn leaves of yellows, oranges and reds. If a dry day, the sky is just so blue, and the grass so green. A veritable palette of the best artists’ colours. A nice fresh crisp, non rainy, Autumnal day is a great one for a walk to make you feel alive. So why not venture outside before the weather turns?

dog walkWrap up in a warm coat, chunky scarf, boots, gloves and bobble hat. Take the dog for a walk, crunching on the dry fallen leaves on the ground and picking dropped nuts and seed shells. Take the kids out to fly a kite (but beware of sudden gusty winds). It’s the season of bonfires and fireworks, hotdogs and fresh hot doughnuts.  A great season to take your camera for an outing.

The light in Autumn, whatever time of day, is much brighter and more intense than any other season. The sun is low in the sky and sharpens the silhouette of every structure you can see. Autumn has it’s own smell; a nutty fresh scent with just a hint of the Winter yet to come. The wind is biting and cold, contrasting with the intense sunshine. Yet, unless it starts to rain, it’s invigorating. autumn walk

A good brisk walk gets your blood pumping, which is great for your skin and keeps your blood pressure down.  Yes, it might be cold, but it’s a good healthy cold.

As you watch your breath steaming in the freezing air, just think of the treat you can have when you get back in. A warming culinary cuddle!

What better than wrapping your cold hands around a mug of delicious hot chocolate?  Yes you can just grab a sachet of instant hot chocolate and pop the kettle on, but if you’re going to go for it anyway why not really treat yourself. It’s simple, quick to make and so much better than a bought powder.

hot chocFor 2 mugs of chocolatey wonderfulness, gather together:

2 tablespoons cocoa powder
5oz chocolate (milk or dark, your choice)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
pint milk
Whipped cream
Mini marshmallows
Any flavourings or toppings you fancy

Finely chop, or grate, the chocolate into a pan. Add the sugar and cocoa powder and mix the dried ingredients together.

If you like, you can add extra flavour to your hot chocolate – try adding cinnamon, orange liqueur (adults only!), peppermint, a few chilli flakes, caramel or hazlenut extract. Whatever you fancy, it’s your warm-up wonder.

Add a tablespoon or two of the milk, to blend into a paste. Take a fine whisk, and stir; blend until there are no visible lumps. Add the rest of the milk, and heat. Bring to a simmer, whisking occasionally. Don’t allow the chocolate to come to the boil but brew until nice and hot.

To serve, pour into your mug, sprinkle with a few marshmallows, top with a generous swirl of whipped (or spray) cream. Dust with a little extra cocoa powder or grated/flaked chocolate. Or you can add sweets (hundreds & thousands, mini flake, smarties, chocolate sauce etc).

Sip and enjoy with a slice of your favourite cake or handful of biscuits. Share with the children if you have to!

fireplaceGoing outside is optional. Personally, I prefer to hunker down with the fire on and a cheesy old film on the gogglebox. But then, I’m the one who stays home baking the cake and brewing the chocolate pot.

Whatever you choose to do this Autumn day, enjoy.


Maggie xx

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