Warming feel-better comfort food

I hope that I find you feeling well today. Like many people, my household has been suffering with winter viruses over the last few weeks. Nothing too serious, although my toddler grandson was pretty unwell with Flu (typically caught just a week before his Flu jab was due!) and my daughter was ill with Bronchitis. But in the main, we’ve been suffering with the good old-fashioned common cold.

When you feel unwell, you just want to hunker down with warming and comforting foods. Usually those we remember our mums making when we were children.

Yesterday, when I actually felt ok enough to move, I decided to make a comforting sausage and mash with a red onion sauce. I just scrabbled together bits that I have stashed in the larder, and some lovely Cumberland sausages my partner had been out and bought.

Usually when I cobble meals together rather than tried and trusted recipes, I forget to write them down.  So yesterday, I made sure that I did – and took plenty photos to share.

So, while I had potatoes cooking for mash, and the sausages dry frying on their own, I made the sauce separately.

For the two of us, I used:

  • ½ a red onion, sliced
  • ½ a leek, sliced
  • Handful of mushrooms, chopped into approximately quarter slices
  • 1 tablespoon whole grain mustard
  • 2 teaspoons honey melted in a little boiling water
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • Approximately 100ml double cream

fryingonion and leekIn a pan, add some vegetable oil and the red onions, and begin frying them. After a couple of minutes add the leek and mushrooms. Give this a stir and allow them to fry a little before stirring in the mustard, sugar, honey and balsamic.

Stirring regularly but not constantly, allow the sauce to bubble away until it starts to thicken. Then turn the heat down and simmer until the sausages are sufficiently browned and cooked through.


When the potatoes are ready, plus any other vegetables (we had peas), add the cream into the sauce and combine, then add the sausages and warm through. sausages


The quantities given here are all subject to your own taste, if you prefer more heat add more mustard and some black pepper. If you find it a bit sharp, add more sugar or honey, and if a bit sweet add more vinegar. Indeed, you may want to add some wine or herbs or spices. For us, the sausages were sufficiently herby.

sausage and mash

In other news, I have a brand new dream kitchen extension built. We’ve had builders in and the house in a nightmare state since the summer. But we’re on the home-run now finally. Just bits and bobs to finish off. My two favourite parts are my kitchen island and walk-in larder. These making cooking an absolute pleasure for me. I also adore my new range cooker and Belfast sink. So yes, I have four favourites not just two.

The new range means I’m thoroughly enjoying batch cooking – my excuse being that with the builders around it makes sense to have a few days’ worth of meals cooked ready to just heat and eat. They’re also my excuse for baking – builders need to be kept full of cake and coffee in my experience!

It’s also given us the push to declutter and get rid of a lot of old items we’ve been hoarding and replace with new. My son-in-law bought me a great pan set for Christmas, and the builders made me some fabulous butchers-block chopping boards with left over oak worktop. They’re amazing! But I’ve also been treating us to a new toaster and door runner and other little bits and bobs. Our savings are now heavily depleted so it’s lucky I’m loving cooking as eating out is going to be curtailed for a while.

Hopefully, when I write again the kitchen will be fully completed and I shall share photos of the finished room with you all.

In the meantime,

Take care


Maggie x


Autumn and cooker drama

So August has turned into September. It’s one of the key months of change in the year, with it being the beginning of Autumn and children returning to school – or starting school for the very first time. We start to make plans for Christmas, and it’s my birthday month! I used to get enthusiastic, but once you’ve passed your 60th it’s not so exciting. I don’t want to count again until I can claim to be the oldest woman ever.


What I do like about Autumn is the changing of colour in nature. Everything starts going from green to orange, red and brown tones. Fruits are harvesting and we wear more snuggly clothes, we start putting warmer bedding on, thinking of turning on the heating and getting out fleeces and throws.

Continue reading “Autumn and cooker drama”

Sunday lunch


Although I no longer go to work, my days are so very busy. I mind my toddler grandson 3 days a week, which is incredibly fulfilling but wipes out the whole day. Fitting in socialising and hobbies, walking the dog and days out, I don’t know how I ever found time to go to work. Yes, I’ve turned into that annoying chirpy retiree that will tell everyone it’s the best thing I ever did. Which is true.

As a result of all this busyness, Sundays are an essential chill-out day. We try not to make commitments if possible, but instead simply relax. Once a month on average, we trek out on the train to one of our favourite towns for a pootle around the shops, a very leisurely Sunday roast in a superb restaurant followed by a drink in our preferred watering hole before trotting back home. On the Sundays we don’t treat ourselves with a day out, we will have a slow day and a hot main meal for lunch and spend the day pottering in the garden, binging TV shows and basically doing not very much.

Sometimes I don’t want to cook a full Sunday lunch with a roasting joint.meat Roasting meat joints have become so ridiculously expensive – and you don’t want the more affordable chicken every single Sunday. When we eat out, I tend to go for a beef roast as, whilst expensive, it’s not all that much more these days than buying the joint and vegetables and cooking it myself. We rarely have lamb because the price has risen so much – just for the two of us a small leg of lamb would be over £12. But I really fancied it for today.

Instead of a joint, I bought a couple of fairly chunky lamb steaks, selecting a pack with the smallest amount of fat as lamb can be pretty fatty.

I do like mint sauce, and the sweeter mint jelly too, but one of my favourite flavours with lamb is rosemary. Today’s menu of lamb steaks with fried potatoes, seared courgettes, broccoli and root vegetable mash took less than half an hour from prep to table – most of that time spent boiling the potatoes.

Recipes –

Fried potatoes.

fried potatoes

  • 2 baking potatoes (or 3 medium sized potatoes), peeled and cut into chunks
  • Garlic infused oil *
  • Dried rosemary


Boil the potatoes until cooked. In a large frying pan, drizzle some of the oil and sprinkle in a small handful of the dried rosemary. Once the potatoes are cooked, drain them and fry over a medium heat for a good 10 minutes or so, turning regularly. You want the potatoes to be browned and crispy but not burned.

*you can buy ready to use infused oil, but it’s easy to make at home. Simply place a peeled clove or two into a small bottle of standard vegetable cooking oil. The longer this infuses for, the greater the garlic flavour.

Lamb steaks.


  • 2 lamb steaks
  • Garlic infused oil
  • One garlic clove, finely chopped (or pressed), alternatively 1 teaspoon of ‘easy garlic’
  • 2 teaspoons of dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon of Cranberry or redcurrant jelly

Brush the lamb steaks with the garlic oil, just lightly, on each side. In a bowl, mix the chopped garlic, rosemary and cranberry jelly and stir until combined. Spoon the mixture over one side of the lamb steaks and spread to cover them evenly.

Once the potatoes are put into the frying pan, pop the lamb steaks in a tray under a medium grill. Although it feels counter intuitive, start grilling with the topped side upwards. After about 3 minutes, turn them over – the sauce mix will have mostly melted into the steaks. After another 3 minutes, turn them back and continue grilling until cooked to your preference – for medium rare reduce these times by a minute each side. Approximately 9-10 minutes in total should result in a medium cooked lamb steak. Once cooked, set aside to rest for 5-10 minutes.


This meal is flavoursome but not overpowering and gives you that ‘Sunday roast’ feeling without even putting the oven on. And it’s a good excuse to open that decent bottle of wine.


I hope you all enjoy your Sunday and find time to relax and recoup before Monday raises its head again tomorrow.




Maggie x






Children’s packed lunches for nursery and school


A few days ago, I read an article in a mainstream media newspaper about a mum who challenged her child’s primary school concerning the packed lunch she’d made him.

telling off

The school demanded the child ate his lunch in a certain order, resulting in him having nothing to eat at all as he’d refused and wasn’t allowed to eat the ‘pudding’ course of his lunch.  As you’d expect, the comments were a mixed bag – parents agreeing with the school, parents disagreeing with the school, and teachers clarifying ‘their responsibility’ to teach children nutrition. In my personal view, they should offer advice and encouragement but not blanket rigid enforcement.

stubbornMealtimes should never be a battle. It’s simply a stressful lose:lose situation. Young children, toddlers in particular, can be the most stubborn little brick walls. Parents understandably want the child to eat, but, unless there’s medical reasons that the child absolutely must eat, it’s not going to hurt them to miss a meal if they refuse. They’ll come back when they’re hungry.

Food is something you learn to like. Tastes develop as you grow. Just like adults, children ‘eat with their eyes’. This is the very reason food corporations produce dinosaur chicken pieces, fishy shaped fish ‘fingers’, yoghurts with cartoons on them etc.

When parents and grandparents, like me, are feeding their little darlings, they’ll know the favourite ‘go to’ to make the child eat. When they go on to nursery or school, if they’re taking a packed lunch, you want to ensure that they actually eat something in the middle of the day and not be a grouchy hungry little beast all afternoon. In an ideal world, this packed lunch will be perfectly nutritious and healthy. But, kiddies don’t understand the concept of an ideal world! So you pack what you know they will eat.

sandwichOne of my children had the exact same lunch every single day of primary school – a completely plain ham sandwich – nothing added, not even butter on the bread! Goodness knows what the school thought of me, but it meant he ate. As a baby and toddler he just hated chewing. Everything had to be soft and sloppy – he pretty much lived off fromage frais for a year! I’d already had 2 children before him and learned the hard way what trying to force a toddler to eat results in – plenty of bolognaise stains on the carpet to prove it. So, I had a much more relaxed attitude the 3rd time round. And guess what, none of the children ended up under-nourished or under-fed. As an adult, the child in question will now try absolutely any food and is probably the most adventurous eater of the 3.

So, getting back to the beginning, my view is that schools should back off a bit. There is nothing wrong with a bit of encouragement – explain to the child that eating their sandwich/pie/savoury protein portion first is a good thing. But, if they want to begin with their yoghurt pud then let them. It’s all food, it’s all going to the same place. The parent/caregiver who’s packed the lunch has selected items the child will eat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating that Little Johnny gets away with having nothing but a bar of chocolate and salty crisps every day – it’s up to the parent to ensure that their choices are better selected. Schools can feed back to parents if a child is consistently disregarding the ‘better’ foods in their lunch or assist parents if they appear to be solely providing sugary, fatty, processed food. Not everyone has the knowledge to produce a healthy meal.

A perfect lunchbox would include each of the 5 food groups – Protein, Carbohydrates, Dairy, Fruit and Veg, and Fats and Sugars. Usually, these will be combined – a ham sandwich covering both protein and carbohydrates, for example. A bag of crisps may not be healthy, but alongside a sandwich it makes the lunch more appetising. This doesn’t have to be a commercially produced over-salted bag of fake flavourings and preservatives. You can very easily make your own.

crispsHome made crisps

  • Potatoes (skin on or off as preferred)
  • Olive oil

Pre heat your oven to 200°.

  • Scrub the potatoes, peel if preferred, pat dry.
  • Slice the potatoes thinly – a mandolin is ideal, or the slicing side of your grater. But if good with a sharp knife you can slice them manually – but no more than about 3mm thick.
  • Pop the slices into a bowl with a little olive oil and toss them so each slice is lightly coated.
  • Spread the slices onto a lined baking tray, without overlapping them, and bake in the oven for about 8-10 minutes. Then turn them and continue baking for another 8-10 minutes. Check them after about 6 minutes as they can overcook easily, especially if very thin.

If you want to add any seasoning, do so as soon as you remove them from the oven while still hot. They can be eaten plain without any added seasoning, but good sea salt and pepper, herbs such as rosemary or sage, paprika or chilli, or even a sprinkle of parmesan are all lovely.

You can make crisps out of many vegetables – beetroot, parsnips, sweet potato, carrots – in exactly the same way.


My grandson can be extremely picky over food one day and eat absolutely anything the next (sadly this includes Playdough!) but one failsafe is cheese. He adores cheese. He’s been known to have pretty much nothing but cheese for meals. If taking him out for the day and needing to take a lunch along, I might add in a sandwich (cheese of course) but he’s more likely to eat chopped up cheese cubes, some raisins, a cheese straw, mini cheesy biscuits and a fromage frais. He will eat strawberries too, but there’s many fruits he still isn’t fond of. I would love to produce a beautiful box with raw vegetables, fruits and super healthy proteins, but when out of the house you don’t have the time or frankly the strength for trial and error, you just want them to eat something and not be hungry.

Jemima sandwiches

If your child prefers to ignore the sandwich, you may find it helps to make it more attractive – learn from the food companies. Use biscuit cutters to produce shaped sandwiches for example. If your child dislikes bread, why not make wraps instead or roll a filled tortilla and slice it up into pinwheels.pin wheels


Don’t be overly fancy with fillings – they’re more likely to eat a simple cheese spread sandwich than a salmon and cucumber. A variety of small things is better than just one or two larger items.

When your child goes to nursery or school, it’s worth checking out what their philosophy is for packed lunches. If it feels too strict for you, have a chat with them. Explain your own personal view and any peculiarities your child has. If you have a very picky eater, and just want to ensure they eat something rather than nothing, tell the school you will add multiple items into the lunchbox with the intention that the child will find something they want to eat. But, explain that you aren’t expecting them to eat every single thing so they don’t force them to sit until their lunchbox is empty. It may even be worth adding a little note in the box every day stating that the box is over-filled and you expect some to come home again but you want the child to choose. You can help the situation by limiting items such as chocolate bars and over-processed food or snacks.

Have some fun when preparing a child’s lunchbox – see it through their eyes. Enjoy playing with shapes, and have everything bite-sized for easy grazing. The odd sliced strawberry cut into a heart shape is cute.






Maggie x

Eating to improve stress levels

I have noticed an increase in people being angry, stressed and intolerant at the moment. People are reacting strongly to news, politics, social media updates to name just a few issues. We’re all suffering a bit more financially at the moment, with the cost of living rising steeply over a short space of time. But, I also believe the Covid lockdowns have had a negative impact on people. By being cooped up indoors, quarantined away from friends and family, let alone being able to interact with strangers, I believe that people’s existing stresses and negative feelings simply became more entrenched and they became very angry at being forced into the situation. But whilst this may be understandable, it isn’t healthy.

We all know that stress is bad for us; indeed, it has some very serious health impacts. So, it’s important that we learn how to control our stress levels and de-stress. There are many methods to aid with this including hobbies, meditation, physical exercise and mindfulness.






But, did you know you can also look to your diet to improve your stress levels?

We’ve always referred to certain foods as ‘comfort foods’ because eating them makes us feel better. This is normally because the food in question triggers a memory – often from childhood. They’re often high-calorie, high-carbohydrate foods which in reality just make you feel better temporarily. This includes chocolate, which peaks your serotonin levels. Chocolate does have positive features, it contains antioxidents that lower blood pressure, increases blood circulation, lowers risk of strokes and heart disease. But, only if eaten sensibly. It also contains fats and sugars, which we know isn’t good, so if you crave chocolate as a de-stresser do look at darker chocolate and consume in lower quantities. We also know alcohol is turned to as a de-stressing crutch but the reality is that alcohol is a depressive, so whilst you may feel better initially, it isn’t actually doing anything to improve your mood. The likelihood is that you’re having a drink with friends or a partner, and the reality is that this interaction will have more benefit than the consumption itself.

There are, however, foods which can reduce stress levels positively.

  • Unrefined carbohydrates – such as sweet potatoes.
  • Whole grains.
  • Fibre rich greens.
  • Calcium from dairy products.
  • Vitamin C from citrus fruits.
  • Omega 3 – for example from oily fish.
  • Nuts.

Incorporate some of these into your diet regularly, to aid a healthy lifestyle and limit the impact of daily stress. Below I include some recipes as an example.


Sweet Potato Soup.

Not only do the unrefined carbohydrates boost your serotonin levels, the sheer experience of holding and consuming a warming soup reduces stress levels and increases happy feelings. In this particular version, we include some spice which adds to the warming and de-stressing qualities but if you don’t like added spice, simply leave them out.

  • 700ml vegetable stock
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, cored and the flesh cubed
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • Large pinch of salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Oil for frying

Begin by frying the chopped onion in a little oil. When translucent, add the garlic and sweet potatoes. Fry for a few minutes then add the stock. Incorporate the spices, salt and pepper, and bring to the boil. Once it reaches a rolling boil, reduce the heat and simmer for around 45 minutes, until the sweet potatoes are completely cooked and soft.

If you prefer, you may add further spices such as garam masala in the final few moments or indeed break some of the spice with a squeeze of lime.

Use a hand blender to carefully whizz the soup to your preferred consistency.


If you want something lighter than a soup, why not consider a fresh salad full of vitamin C as an alternative. The following salad is a bright, light, sunny salad full of vitamins and potassium to aid depression.

straw and avoAvocado and Strawberry Salad

  • A couple of handfuls of your favourite salad leaves
  • Handful of fresh strawberries, quartered
  • ½ avocado, diced
  • 1 orange, peeled and segmented
  • Handful of feta or goats’ cheese, crumbled
  • A few sliced almonds, toasted
  • Salad dressing*

In a bowl, add your salad leaves, strawberries and orange segments plus salad dressing if using, then toss to mix well. Top with the avocado and cheese, and finish with the toasted almonds.

*Salad dressing

  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ½ teaspoon wholegrain or Dijon mustard

Add all ingredients together in a bowl and whisk well to combine – or a short blitz in a blender.


For a quick boost, why not make your own oaty snacks with emotion-boosting ingredients.

Oat Squares. oats

  • Handful of rolled oats
  • Pinch of salt
  • Little olive oil
  • tablespoon maple syrup
  • Handful of your preferred nuts, or mix of – almonds, shelled pistachios, hazlenuts, coconut etc
  • Small quantity of chocolate chips and/or dried fruits

Using a food processor or blender, blitz the oats and salt with most of the nuts for around 30 seconds until it comes together. Drizzle in the oil and syrup and continue to blend into a dough.

By hand, incorporate any chocolate or fruits, plus the remaining nuts, then press the dough mixture into a baking tin. If you wish, you may sprinkle some more fruit or nuts on the top. Indeed, you can drizzle on a little of the syrup if you would like some extra sweetness.

Bake for 10-12 minutes at 350° F/176° C until golden but still a little soft.

Cut into squares before fully cooled.


I hope these recipes give you a little taste of what’s possible without the need for too much skill or effort.

Your physical health is of course important, but your mental health is too. If you find life overwhelming sometimes, realise that you’re not alone. Everyone feels like this from time to time.

As we come out of Winter and into Spring, the weather will improve. Daylight hours will lengthen, and you’re likely to feel more like going out for walks or socialising with friends, all of which help raise low moods. For some people, this is all they need. But if you find you’re experiencing more low moods than happy moods, increased levels of anxiety, a quick temper or even anger without sound reason, then seek the appropriate help. This could be as simple as talking to a friend, exercising some mindfulness and escape from the immediate situation, or you may need to consult with your GP or other medical practitioner for professional help. Even then, the assistance you can be given may range from counselling to medication, whichever is best for you.

I hope, as a nation, we can see less anger and more positivity come to the fore. Take care of yourself first, to help you take care of other loved ones.

I wish each and every one of you the very best health and happiness.


Maggie x

Vegetarian alternatives – try meat-free

Some of you already know that my best friend and housemate is a Vegetarian. As a consequence, unless having a takeaway, meals at home are always meat free. This does mean that I have to use my imagination a little more, especially to avoid boredom.

Eating a meat free diet doesn’t have to mean bland or repetitive. Nor does it mean cutting out all your favourite meals; just find a suitable alternative. These days you can find plant-based alternatives for just about every meat. Some are better than others. Personally, I’m not a lover of the processed alternatives for bacon or chilled sandwich meats, and I don’t like chickpeas (cardboard balls!). But, being creative with vegetables and use of the likes of Quorn or Soya means you can pretty much emulate all your favourites. The mince alternatives are so much better now than they used to be. My preference is for the soy mince, but there are others if you don’t like that one. This ensures that you don’t have to miss out on your chilli, spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne etc. In fact, it’s much higher in protein and lower in fat than standard beef mince, and the quantity you begin with raw is the same quantity you end up with cooked. No losing half the mince when frying – which is down to the fat and water content in minced meat.

I thought today I’d share some of our recent meals, as an example of how you can replace meat in day-to-day eating. Continue reading “Vegetarian alternatives – try meat-free”

Ice cream on a hot day

tempSo, the sun’s out in the UK and the daily summer temperatures have been confirmed as the highest since records began. It’s the perfect excuse to eat as many ice lollies and as much ice cream as you can get away with.

I used to make ice cream many years ago with fruit yoghurts, and I recall having to take the tub out of the freezer numerous times to stir and put it back. And it being quite firm so you had to let it stand before you could serve. Because of this, I got out of the habit and just bought proprietary brands. But I really like knowing exactly what’s been put into things I eat and avoid preservatives or synthetic sweeteners like Saccharine and Xylitol.

Taking inspiration and the basic recipe from Jane’s Patisserie, and a little tweak to make it personal, I made a Biscoff ice cream this week. It’s very creamy and quite rich and can be served straight from the freezer. We had it with an equally rich and chocolatey brownie, for an extremely decadent pud.

Biscoff ice cream


  • 1 large tub (600g) fresh double cream
  • 1 tin (397g) condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons Biscoff spread – melted (10 seconds in microwave)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 Biscoff sandwich biscuits
  • 1 small Biscoff biscuit






biscuit 2






  • Whisk the cream to stiff peaks (does not take more than a couple of minutes with a stand mixer)
  • Add in the vanilla and melted Biscoff spread, and give a gentle whisk until combined.
  • Crumble the Biscoff sandwich biscuits to the size you want.
  • Add the cream mixture into a suitable lidded container to freeze.
  • Either combine the crumbled biscuits into the whole cream mixture in one, or add the cream into the tub into roughly thirds, layering the crumbled biscuits over the first 2 layers.
  • When all the mixture is in your container and levelled/smoothed as you wish, finely crumble the small Biscoff biscuit and sprinkle liberally over the top.
  • Pop in the freezer. Leave for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

As this ice cream really is quite rich, I’ll be making a vanilla version next. I shall up the vanilla extract by 2 teaspoons and have no other additions. Other adaptations include adding fresh (or frozen) fruit with some fruit blended down to a sauce to swirl through, for a refreshing fruity burst. Or maybe try melted chocolate in place of the Biscoff spread and some milk chocolate chips.

plate of ice cream

Whatever you choose to do in this heatwave, make sure you take care to regularly hydrate and try to sit in shade or wear a hat. Ideally, slather yourself in sun cream and basically do nothing at all if possible.

My plans today include laying on a sun lounger under a parasol with a non-alcoholic ‘cocktail’, eating my ice cream and reading book after book.


As always, much love,


Maggie x

Healthy snacks

Are you a snacker? Do you find you ‘need’ to eat every couple of hours? Do you find the gaps between meals just that bit too long? Whether dieting or not, try and avoid the fatty, processed junk food, cakes or chocolate. Some foods are ideal as quick-to-grab snacks to graze on during the day. For weight loss, aim for more frequent but smaller meals to kick start your metabolism. But ensure these are healthy snacks. Aim for a mix of fibre, protein, healthy fats and low sugar to make you feel fuller more quickly and yet for longer.

The process of chewing helps your body feel full. So look for snacks that require a good chew, rather than slurping down on a soft fudge or chocolate bar. Ideal snack foods would be crunchy fruit, raw vegetables and nuts. You can prepare these ahead of your working day. Most of us have some kinds of little plastic pots with lids stocked up in cupboards (yup where do they come from – I swear they breed!).

Slice up some fingers of vegetables such as carrots, peppers, cucumber, celery, mange tout, mini sweetcorn. Ideal on their own, you can add a healthy dip such as hummus or peanut butter if you like. For an element of sweetness, slice up a nice crunchy apple, some blueberries, raisins, Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds. Again, if you need a dip some natural yoghurt would be a nice addition.

Try and start your day with a good breakfast. This will help you having a sudden blood sugar drop mid-morning. Often, what we believe to be hunger is actually dehydration. So ensure you drink plenty of water during the day. Have a drink if you feel hungry yet you know it’s not been long since you last ate. If satiated, then you weren’t actually hungry, you were thirsty. That said, don’t drink instead of actual meals, that isn’t healthy.

A lot of our eating timescales are habitual. As a species, humans like consistency and habits form easily. Try to avoid insisting on a set time for your coffee or tea break, or at least don’t always take a slice of cake or sugary biscuit at the same time. These should be occasional treats, not a daily habit. If you can mix up your break times, you won’t find you feel hungry shortly before this time as a matter of habit.

Do you have a night-time supper shortly before bed? This is rarely necessary and more a habit. However, if you have early meals (eg 6am breakfast, 12pm lunch, 5pm dinner) but go to bed say around 11pm, then perhaps a light snack around 9pm is justified. But make it light not stodge or sugar.

So let’s look at some simple snacks or small light lunches that will help boost your blood sugar levels and keep you going until the next mealtime.

Pepper and guacamole: slice some peppers into fingers, mixed colours for a colourful snack with a mixture of taste. Add your own home-made guacamole:

  • avocado,
  • chopped salad tomato,
  • finely chopped red onion,
  • finely chopped chilli (quantity and type dependent on the heat you prefer),
  • a little lime or lemon juice,
  • a little chopped coriander.

Roughly mash all the ingredients together, or pulse in a food mixer or blender, to the consistency you prefer. Store in a bowl, covered with cling film, in the fridge.

Cottage cheese with fruit and walnut: With a small tub of plain cottage cheese, add one chopped walnut and fruit of your choice. Tropical fruits go best, for example pineapple, mango or papaya. For a bit of extra crunch, spread on a high fibre wholemeal cracker.

Cucumber and hummus: As cucumber is particularly plain in taste, I would recommend going for a flavourful hummus – red pepper or lemon and black pepper for example. Slice half a cucumber into 2-3 inch portions then into fingers. For a little crunch, maybe add a small handful of pretzels.

Nuts: Mixed nuts are a brilliant source of protein and healthy fats, but you may want to add sultanas or raisins for a top up of sweetness. Avoid salted nuts to avoid excess sodium in your diet.

Olives and feta cheese: Mix chopped squares of feta cheese into a container with your preferred choice of olives, and a gentle drizzle of light extra virgin olive oil – flavoured or plain.

Cheese and crackers: choose a wholegrain or rye cracker, and pair with your favourite cheese. Hard cheeses tend to be lower in fat. If you require a sweetness, add some thin slices of crunchy apple. If you like a chutney kick, go for a good strong taste and use sparingly. Ultimately, no chutney is technically a diet ingredient so a little with a good taste is best.

Apple and peanut butter: Look for a peanut butter without sugar and added oil. Pair with apple slices to dip.

Mixed berries and yoghurt: Choose a mix of your favourite berries, such as blueberries, redcurrants, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. Sprinkle into or on a low fat natural or Greek joghurt. If you need extra sweetness, sparingly drizzle on some natural honey.

Celery and cream cheese: choose a low fat cream cheese, and dip with sliced celery sticks. Some people like to add salt with celery, but don’t if you need or want to reduce your sodium intake. This is quite a bland snack, so why not add extra flavour with your favourite herbs and spices.

Root vegetable crisps: If you’re a crisp fiend, and just can’t let them go, swap potato crisps for vegetable crisps. You can buy them, or make your own (simple recipe available in my book ‘Picnics, Parties and Drinks’).

Dark chocolate and almonds: If you ‘need’ chocolate, then go for dark. The darker the better. Milk and white chocolate have so much fat and sugar added. Dark chocolate can be bitter, however, if you’re not used to it. So you may want to add some raspberries for sweetness as well as almonds or other nuts.

Popcorn: aim for plain or salted popcorn, rather than sweet or toffee coated.

Melon and prosciutto: wrap slices of your favourite melon, honeydew for example, with thin slices of prosciutto ham.

Roasted chickpeas: drain and rinse a tin of chickpeas, then dry them as much as possible. Place in a bowl and drizzle with oil, then sprinkle with salt and any herbs you may want to add for flavour. With your hands, mix together to ensure all the chickpeas are coated then spread them out evenly onto a dry baking tray. Roast the chickpeas at 400F/200C for 20-30 minutes, stirring or shaking the chickpeas every 10 minutes to ensure even roasting. Don’t worry if any chickpeas pop or split. Once golden in colour remove from the oven and, while still warm, sprinkle spices if you want (eg chilli or paprika) and stir through. When warm these are crispy, but when cool they become more chewy.

Avocado with salsa: make your own salsa: blend together chopped tomatoes, finely chopped red onion, garlic clove pressed or chopped, dash of lime juice, sprinkle of coriander. I personally like to add some chopped cucumber for coolness. If you like heat, add some finely chopped chilli. Either eat with slices of avocado, or fill the hole in half an avocado. If not dieting, add some low salt tortilla chips for added crunch.

These are just a few ideas, more small meals and mini eats can be found in my second book ‘Picnics, Parties and Drinks’ on Amazon for kindle download: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0773TG4JY?ref_=k4w_oembed_rIVl4ULIfziBcT&tag=kpembed-20&linkCode=kpd

Happy snacking, and take care,


Maggie x






Eating for mental health

Good mental health is important for all of us. We know ways to improve our mental health by taking breaks, going for walks, taking on hobbies etc. But, what you eat also has a significant affect on your mental strength.

We know the ‘go to’ mood boosters when you feel low – chocolate, booze, ice-cream etc. Whilst these may give you a temporary lift, the properties that uplift your mood can actually damage you long-term.

sugarSugar is a prime culprit. You get a short-term mood lift, but sugar causes an imbalance in chemicals in your brain. These chemical imbalances can lead to depression or cause mood swings and raise feelings of anxiety. On top, excess consumption of sugar can of course cause obesity and tooth decay – in themselves these cause you to dislike your own appearance and can even result in quite serious clinical depression.

Other culprits of mood-altering consumables include processed foods, additives, fried food and caffeine. It makes sense to cut down your consumption of these.

I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. But, how do you wean yourself off the convenience of processed and fast food and cut out the addictive fats and sugars?

Firstly, increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Fresh is best, but tinned and frozen fruit and vegetables are much better now than they used to be, and still contain the vitamins and minerals essential for your health. So if you can’t stretch to fresh, tinned and frozen is a good second-best.

salmonIf you’re a fish eater, eat more Omega 3 rich fish such as sardines, trout, salmon and mackerel. For non-fish eaters, other foods high in Omega 3 include walnuts, chia seeds, soybean oil, plus foods specifically fortified with Omega 3 (this will be declared on the food packaging). Dietary supplements are also available.

Increase your consumption of green leafy vegetables, beans and lentils, brazil nuts, eggs and yes dark chocolate, but not milk chocolate.

Protein is essential to keep your brain regulated and helps you to feel fuller for longer. Ideally, look for low-fat proteins including vegetarian versions. Protein doesn’t have to mean meat. Quorn and soya foods are high in protein, low in fat and available anywhere these days.

It’s important to maintain your blood sugar levels, as a drop causes you to feel irritable, tired and can cause depression. depressionTo avoid blood sugar drops, eat regularly but also choose slow-release energy foods such as rice, pasta, wholegrain breads, cereals, nuts and seeds. Avoid sugary food and drink, to avoid blood sugar fluctuations.

Breakfast is an often missed meal but it’s actually one of the most important. Take time to eat something at the start of your day. This kick-starts your metabolism and helps your brain function as well as staving off a blood sugar drop, which often results in poor snacking mid-morning.

So, we know what we should be eating. But, we’re not angels and so let’s also be practical. Lives are busy. We want warming comfort foods that are healthy and quick to make. Preferably also cheap to purchase ingredients.

Have a think of the meals you eat now, and how you can replace the unhealthy with comparable but healthy alternatives.


Takeaway burgers – in the time it takes for you to order and receive (or collect) your burger, you could easily have made one at home, usually cheaper too. Making your own burgers is simple, and you know exactly what’s going into them.

Basic burger recipe:

  • 500g mince (your choice of beef, pork, turkey or vegi)
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 egg
  • Salt & pepper (plus any herbs or spices you would like)


In a bowl, add the onion, egg and seasonings into the mince and mix to blend them together – it’s best to just use your hands to do this.

Scoop a quarter of the mixture* and roll into a ball in the palm of your hand. Then flatten to a patty of the depth you want.  *This mince quantity will make 4 chunky burgers or make thinner/smaller burgers and achieve 6 or even 8 burger patties.

Once you’ve made your patties, lay them on a plate or tray and rest them in the fridge to firm for around half an hour. Once sufficiently rested, fry, grill or barbeque your burger. Oil the burger rather than the pan for the best results. For an inch-deep burger, cook for around 5 minutes on each side.

Once cooked, allow the burgers to rest for a minute or two for the juices to settle.

Choose your burger roll – wholemeal, white, brioche buns. Some people like to gently toast the roll, others prefer them softer.

Build your burger to your own taste – suggestions include lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, pickles, sauce (ketchup, mayonnaise, BBQ, curry, burger relish etc).

Once you begin making your own burgers, and play with the seasonings you like, you’ll notice the difference. They’re much better for you, and more filling than the ‘fast food’ takeaways.

Curries – there are so many curry recipes online now, from the simplest to complex, there’s almost no excuse. You can make a curry with your favourite protein – any meat, fresh vegetables, fish or vegetarian proteins. Whilst buying a jar of sauce is quick and simple, it’s very easy and far healthier to make your own. I previously provided an Aloo Muttar recipe in my blog https://scottishfarmhousekitchen.com/lockdown-2020/

spicesI recommend keeping a basic stock of spices to hand ready. A little pestle and mortar means you can create your own curry powder/paste for your own signature dish. A simple spice mix would be equal quantities of brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nigella seeds, turmeric, cumin, coriander, cardamom and garam masala. Grind any non-powdered spice (eg cumin seeds) to a powder with a pestle and mortar, and mix all the powders together. When using your home-made curry powder, you can add heat by including fresh chopped chillies, or dried chilli powder. You can use a tinned tomato base or a creamy one with coconut milk. Ensure you cook the spices for a minute or two in oil to release the aromas, but don’t allow them to burn before you add in your chosen liquid.

An added bonus – if you buy some pretty little jars (or save from chutneys and jams) you can make up your own curry spice mixes as gifts – eg carefully layering each spice, insert a cinnamon stick and sprinkle on top with some thinly sliced fresh chilli. Add a ribbon and home-made label confirming the ingredients. You could even attach a hand-written recipe as an extra touch.

As well as the health improvements of selecting suitable ingredients, avoiding or reducing your intake of processed foods and additives, and saving yourself some money, the mindful act of cooking helps promote positive mental health.

Don’t forget to drink plenty water throughout the day too. Keeping hydrated aids concentration and helps you think clearly. Try to avoid all your water intake being coffee and tea, although decaffeinated versions can help.


My healthy eating advice isn’t a replacement for professional medical treatment, but a guide to easy steps you can take to help yourself. If you have any concerns about your own mental or physical well-being please consult your GP.

Here’s to a healthy 2022; stay safe, stay healthy and enjoy your cooking experience.



Maggie x




Tightening the purse strings


tighten purseThe rising cost of living isn’t a new concept, but this year many people are really going to feel the pinch with the massive uplift in oil costs, stagnant wages, loss of income thanks to Covid, rising National Insurance Contributions in April, and disproportionate rises in food costs. It may feel dire, especially if you’re pretty frugal already. Maybe it’s time to take a page out of Granny’s book and see what we can do to tighten the purse strings and mitigate some of our expenditure.

Oil prices this year are about to hit us hard in the pocket with heating estimated to rise by around 50%. That’s around £30-50 extra per month for many of us with gas central heating. But, salaries and pensions haven’t gone up (at all in most cases) by anywhere near £50 a month. So, let’s look at some very simple ways of making tiny changes that would make a small difference – bearing in mind that each little difference can add up to a bigger saving.

Warmth. One of our biggest financial outlays is heating our homes. Turning the heating thermostat down by a degree or two will save you money without you feeling a massive difference. Just turning the thermostat down 1° could save you around £50 a year. Experts recommend a consistent ambient level of 18° heat indoors, whereas many of us have a tendency to keep the heating on around 20° these days. Rather than put the heating on, or up if already on, consider other ways to keep warm.

bakingFirstly, cook something! The heat from the oven increases the ambient warmth in the surrounding rooms. But also, your body temperature rises when you’ve had something to eat or a hot drink. Now, I don’t expect you to be cooking and yamming food down all through the day but a warming lunch, rather than a sandwich or salad, really helps. Consider a soup perhaps, or a pasta bake. When you’ve been cooking, leave the oven door open when you’ve turned it off, rather than waste that lovely heat.

Look at wearing more clothes. Yes that seems obvious, but how many of us actually bother putting on socks, jumpers or cardi’s when inside our own homes? So layer up a bit. Also invest in some throws. throw 2They’re really popular in soft furnishing design these days. I have a wicker log basket with various rolled up throws in, as well as those slung all designer-ish on the chairs and sofas, and even on the foot of beds. When feeling a bit chilly, snuggling into a nice warm throw is yummy. As the evening draws in, close the curtains. This keeps so much warmth indoors, as the glass windows just seep in the cold air. If your radiator is in front of the window, tuck the curtain behind it rather than let out what heating you do have on. throwRevert to the old methods at bedtime – pre-warming the bed with an electric blanket (always turn them off when you actually get into bed!) or a hot water bottle. Once actually snug in bed, you have a better night’s sleep with the room being a bit cold than you do by leaving the heating on. If need be, add another layer of bedding too.

You can also look at only heating the rooms you use. If you have individual radiator thermostats you can set the temperature per room as appropriate for each user. But if you don’t, you can still turn them down or even off (be careful of checking for condensation occasionally if you turn them off completely). If for example you’re living alone in a 3-bedroom house, you only need your own bedroom warmed not all 3 when the spare rooms aren’t being used. Do you need a radiator on in your kitchen-diner? Chances are you don’t.

Insulation is a one-off potentially sizeable cost, but with future ongoing benefits. But short term, you can do some DIY insulation – if you have a hot water tank and it’s not insulated you can buy wrap around insulation or literally use any old blankets and towels you might have as a temporary DIY lagging.

Use draft excluders at your doors. You can buy them pretty cheaply these days, or easily make your own. Indeed, just roll up some of those old blankets or towels into a chunky sausage shape and lay it in front of the door. You can hang a (preferably quite heavy) curtain at the door. You’ll be amazed just how much cold air comes in, and your expensive heating lost, just through external doors. Especially those with glass panels.

Do you have wooden or laminate flooring? Although lovely, these are colder than carpet. Maybe invest in a nice rug or two.

One of the simplest of all – close doors! I’m sitting here now, realising both the doors in my living room are wide open – one to the kitchen and one to the hallway. My excuse is the pets! But, just pushing the door to, rather than fully closed, in itself saves on drafts. While on the subject, snuggling the pets is a good body warmer too.


waterSaving water. Now, as well as saving the planet we can save money on our water bills. Unfortunately, for those who still have water rates rather than a water meter, whilst you could still do your bit for the environment you won’t be saving on your bills as they’re based solely on the property size. So recommendation #1 would be to ask your water provider if your home can be converted – the general rule of thumb is if you have the same number or more bedrooms than people in your property, a water meter is highly likely to save you money. Fitting is still free in England and Wales. This way, you pay for what you use and can be more in control of your expenditure.

We use so much water these days and waste such a lot of it. If you don’t already have a water-butt, grab one for the garden. This does of course have a cost, but not a massive one. Look online (eg Facebook groups) for bargains and giveaways. See if your water provider or local council has any deals on. You can insert the piping into the bath/sink downpipe and so use the water you’ve washed in to water your beloved garden. Or, let’s face it Britain gets plenty rain, so gather the rainwater as it falls. Indeed, you can get a small discount on the sewage element of your water bill by notifying your provider that you have a water butt for such purposes.

Did you realise that about a third of household water usage is flushing the toilet? If you don’t have a low-volume flush loo, you can reduce the amount of water that’s taken in by the tank, and so less washed away with each flush, by installing a water displacement device. You can buy devices for a little amount of money, but also try seeing if your water provider has any freebies. Alternatively, a quick google online will help you with some home-made options.

You may also save water if you have a dishwasher by doing one big load per day/couple of days, rather than by washing up by hand a number of times a day. Modern dishwashers tend to be reasonably water-saving compared to when they first came onto the market.

bathWe all know the ‘shower not bath’ comparison, but some of us actually enjoy a relaxing soak in the bath. But, you can still save by just putting less water in. You don’t need a bath filled to the top. Just put an inch or two less in than usual. You’ll barely notice but be saving gallons of water. Which of course, you’ll be draining into your water butt when finished!

trafficTransport. OK this is an emotive issue. We like our cars. They give us the freedom to go out whenever we want, not be restricted by a timetable, we get there more quickly than public transport stopping every few yards or meandering around the town. But, they’re a money-pit. Tot up just how much the vehicle costs you – not just literally the one-off purchase expense, but also yearly vehicle tax (unless exempt), MOT and servicing costs, insurance, petrol/diesel costs and ongoing maintenance. Also remember any recovery service costs if you’ve signed up to one. The ever-rising cost of parking, let alone any ‘low emission zone’ charges (eg if you drive into London). It adds up. Then compare that to the cost of public transport. Even the odd taxi could be cheaper than the ongoing running cost of your own car.

The downside of course is time and the biggie – convenience. In my region public transport can be a reasonable wait (15 minutes if you use the ‘right’ service), but some might run half hourly, hourly or even just a couple of buses a day. And they’re not reliable, especially at the moment with Covid absences affecting drivers. Unfortunately, public transport companies won’t put on extra buses until people use them more, and people won’t use them more until the frequent services are there… and so the never-ending circle continues.

You can save on public transport costs, if you use them regularly, with bus passes, multi ticket discount systems, whole day-out tickets, railcards, etc. Of course, there’s also the free and healthy option of walking or cycling if your journey isn’t too far for you.

TV and entertainment. Entertainment systems can have a horrific cost! Sky for example is setting many people back around £100 a month. Consider what channels you actually watch, do you really need them all? Of course the likes of Sky and Virgin catch us out by mixing their packages so that there’s always channels you regularly watch that mix over more than one package and so keep us paying more. But if you only really watch the ‘main five’ and maybe a few select other channels consider switching to a Freeview service. Again this is a relatively small outlay for the benefit of ongoing savings, but also that outlay may be significantly cheaper than one month of your current service. Do also check with your family members, some providers permit subscription sharing (I’m looking at you Netflix and Prime) so perhaps you could divide the costs between you and your children/parents.

shop appShopping. Put those apps away! It’s so easy to scroll through Amazon, Ebay, Boots, etc etc and be slipping unnecessary wants into your electronic basket. One swipe and it’s paid for and on its way. It’s a shopaholic’s dream. If you wait until you actually head out of the house to buy stuff, the chances are that many of your spontaneous purchases just wouldn’t happen.

Pets. We love our pets, and we spoil them. But do look at whether you’re getting value for money when you spend your dosh on their needs or treats. If you’re buying regular parasite prevention medications at the vet, look at whether your local pet superstore can do them cheaper. For example, my cats’ flea treatment is just £4 a month each, with a delivery subscription, so is saving me a small fortune and it pops through the door when the dosage is due so I don’t even have to remember.

Pops Look at the food you’re giving them. Does it have to be the super-expensive, prettily packaged, doggy terrine? Surely Poochy could eat just as well with a different brand? Look at online pet supermarkets, you can bulk buy and often save quite a bit on your regular brands, but also some online firms do cheap tester packs of brands you may never have tried before. Do you have to buy expensive toys? Believe me, a cat will play just as long with a ball of rolled up cooking foil or a walnut (in its shell!) as they will with a purchased ball.

Food shopping. OK, now my favourite. Grub. Of course, I’m an advocate of making your own. My recipe book – https://scottishfarmhousekitchen.com/books/ gives you some simple straightforward ideas to try. Also, review some of my earlier blogs such as breadmaking – https://scottishfarmhousekitchen.com/2018/02/

Baking your own cakes and biscuits can be so rewarding, and far cheaper than buying them. Your own won’t be full of additives and preservatives either. Some very basic sponges, scones and pastry would get you started.

shopBut, there are other tricks you can try. Downsizing your brands is a very simple one. Whatever level you shop at, whether you buy all proprietary brands or are a supermarket own-brand shopper, there’s generally one step lower. I don’t expect everyone to go from top brand names straight to value ranges, but some key items could really save you money. Unless you’re a professional baker, downgrading your flour to own brand, or even the value range, really won’t be noticed and may save you over £1 per bag. Similar with other basics such as sugar, butter, milk or dried fruit. But also look at your bread – if just making sandwiches then a simple cut loaf is far cheaper than the bakery artisan loaf. Keep those for treats. Do the same with other products and you could save quite a hefty amount.

Talking of treats, rather than go without, down-brand your cakes and biscuits. The store’s own brand versions are often just as good – often it’s the exact same item from the same factory just packaged differently.

To make yourself feel a bit better, rather than feeling like you’ve scrimped and saved all the enjoyment out of life, do allow yourself some of your favourites. I still refuse to short-cut on my coffee for example. Maybe you have a favourite brand of butter that you just feel life’s too short to miss. Make cuts elsewhere and you’ve basically earned these little extravagances.

If you’ve a tendency to veer off your shopping list and be swayed by the product placement in store, shop online. Not only can you be lazy and have the shopping delivered to your door (some advance planning is required!) but you’re more likely to stick to your list. The downside being of course that you can’t visit the reduced item shelves.

Don’t over-buy and waste food. Again, advance planning is a good idea. If you rarely use fresh vegetables, don’t buy masses and fill the fridge just because you had a health-kick moment. Buy what you need, and what you’ll eat. If you absolutely have no choice but to chuck food away, please dump it into your compost heap (but not meat products). Make the most of your freezer. Many fresh foods can be frozen, if you’re unsure how to freeze any particular item then Google is your friend.

These are just a few ideas, but there are so many more:

  • Look at what cleaning products you actually need – are you buying too many? Buying an expensive brand?
  • Check your home for drafts and take steps to mitigate the problem.
  • Ensure your gas boiler is serviced once a year.
  • If you buy newspapers or magazines, is there a free online version you could read instead?
  • If you buy books, why not buy the cheaper kindle version? You don’t even need to buy an e-reader, you can download the app (for free) onto your smartphone or laptop.
  • Check out second hand before you buy new – eg picture frames. You could find the perfect frame with some ucky picture in it, for just a couple of pounds rather than spend out on an expensive new frame.
  • Consider online marketplaces such as Ebay, Facebook or even Freecycle.
  • Charity shops are everywhere now and they don’t just sell old ladies’ cast off nighties, you can get some cracking bargains in clothing, homewares and furniture items.
  • Car boot sales are great.
  • If you need to take the family out for the day, look to see what’s available locally to you for free or at low cost.
  • Take a picnic instead of eating out.

moneyYour salary income, taxes and many outgoings may be out of your direct control. But, let’s do what we can to mitigate the impact on us and maximise where your money goes. Be wary of scams – if it looks too good to be true, it generally is! Don’t let some spotty teenage oik half way around the world deplete you of your hard-earned money.

Take care, stay safe and eat well x


Maggie x